Aku suka berisik ini.
Semilir angin yang terkadang melaju,
derik jangkrik yang saling beradu,
dan gemericik air pancuran
yang walaupun palsu,
cukup meramaikan malamku,
dan mendamaikannya di satu waktu.
Ada engkau di ujung satunya.
Setidaknya aku tahu itu engkau di sana,
tergelak pada laku bodohmu sendiri,
yang menjadikan hatiku ramai,
dan risik itu yang menjadikannya damai.
-Bandung, hujan malam hari.
Archive for 2012
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on poems
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on activities, pictures, scattered memories, videos
I find a post by 9gag said that, "You know you're old when you have more wedding invitation than a birthday party." and yeah, I know I'm old. It's my lifetime best friend's wedding!
It's a very late post btw, but who cares. It's Anda's wedding. \(^o^)/
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beautiful isn't it? |
I was very surprised when she mentioned about her boyfriend, which is also my high school and college friend, coming to her house, along with his parents. I thought there would be some engagement thing first, since Anda herself hadn't finish her medical school yet. But her parents said there's no need such engagement, "If you two really want to get marry, just marry then," that's what they said. Furthermore, Anda said that she would have her Co-Ass soon, so I really guessed that it would be the next year thing. I was totally wrong!!! She said that they would hold their wedding before her co-ass in September, which means it's in this year. *shock* While there's Ramadhan month in mid-July, and she said that the wedding should be held before Ramadhan. *double shock*
Just to make it clear, that conversation of us was in early April. So I was not exaggerating things when she said all of those things. She just had less than 3 months preparation. For a wedding!! I felt sorry I couldn't be much help for the preparation, I was still in Bandung at that time. But I helped as much as I could do, gave her some suggestions here and there when she needed. She told me about her wedding theme that mostly about fairy tale so she made it a garden party. Not a total garden party as you usually saw in movies, but it's still beautiful. I was asked to make an invitation wording for her. It's kinda hard to match the theme, but thankfully she satisfied with my works. :D
Complete story »
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on activities, articles, culinary, trip
Okay, first, I wanna give you an alert. This post is actually a post I made to win a gift. I don't know since when I became such a bounty hunter. hahaha. Well, who's on earth that didn't even want free stuffs? :p
Moreover, it's a Korea trip gift for 4 days and 3 night by Korean Tour Organization (KTO) together with Korean Air!! How tempting is that?? Well, actually, no matter where the trip is, I think I'll still take part of it. And it's Korea!! A country that (so far) just can be seen (by me) in its dramas, or movies, or MVs, or even just a picture. Oh, btw, it's called Asian On Air Program. :)
It's dreaming tiiiiiimeeee..... \(^o^)/
Why I said "dreaming time"? Because it's pretty clear that I am still here, typing this post, wondering what will I do IF I can be one of those lucky bloggers. Now, if you may, I would present you: things I want TO DO, if I get to visit Korea. Drumroll please... :D
1. EAT
Okay, if you think I'm kidding by stating that, no-no, you're wrong. I'm very serious about it. Honestly, I think the next Korean wave to spread all over the world after K-Drama and K-Pop is K-Cuisine. I want to eat as many Korean food as I can try. Call me a pig whatsoever, but. Oh, wait, I don't wanna be called as pig. Okay, how about passionately-food-loving-girl? Yeah, that's better.
Call me a passionately-food-loving-girl whatsoever, but in fact, Korean foods are all tempting! Bibimbap (비빔밥), ttokpokki (떡볶이), samgyetang (삼계탕), jajangmyun (짜장면), kimbab (김밥), or tofu stew (순두부찌개), you name it. Even my friends were all like drooling over a variety show just because there's some eating scenes, which I'm pretty sure, it's involving what so called food. They even loved my home made kimbab! :D
Complete story »
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on lyrics, prosa
Belum tuntas ku bongkar kotak masa lalu itu, saat kamu kembali menyapa hidupku. Aku tersenyum. Tapi bahkan aku tidak tahu senyum apa itu?
Bahagiakah aku, kau menemukanku lagi? Atau berpura-purakah aku, menyangkal tangis berharap tak kan pernah lagi menemukanmu?
Tunggu. Bukan. Bukan keduanya.
Bahagiakah aku atas kemenanganku melawan masa laluku? Atau berpura-purakah aku, menyangkal ketakutanku pada kembalimu? Entahlah.
Tentu kau tak juga tahu. Kau hanya melihat senyumku tanpa mengartikannya. Karena kamu adalah kamu. Kamu yang sama, batinku.
Kembali aku buka kotak itu. Satu hal yang belum sempat ku kenang. Amplop hitam dengan sebuah hiasan origami bentuk hati yang biasa aku buat, tanpa perangko di sudutnya. Amplop yang tak pernah aku kirimkan.
Complete story »
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on lyrics, prosa
Siang itu sungguh panas dan aku pun mengurungkan niatku untuk pergi menepati janji. "Sudahlah, tunda saja nanti malam ya." rujukku di pesan singkat itu. Tak lama setelahnya, "Oke" jawabnya singkat, tanpa embel-embel gombalan anak labil jaman sekarang. Setidaknya aku tahu, itulah dia. Dia yang aku suka dengan segala ke-simpel-an yang ia punya.
Aku mulai berusaha membuka grendel kunci yang agaknya sudah hampir berkarat. Dan menemukan apa yang dulu pernah kusimpan, dan kukunci rapat. Bukti masa laluku. Sekotak bunga kering, tiket film kencan pertama, secarik kertas lusuh dengan tulisan berantakan, sebuah origami manis berbentuk hati, dan sebuah amplop hitam. Untunglah tidak ada foto di sana, jadi aku tidak perlu ikut membongkar memori yang ada di otakku. Tapi mau tak mau, akhirnya harus ku bongkar juga ingatan-ingatan itu dengan menilik satu-per-satu barang dalam kotak itu.
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on trash
난, 울면 돼? 진짜 너무해. 용도없는, 알아. 그냥.
-post note-
I was in mess, then so did this post come to be. I apologize for the messing grammar and words. *bows*
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on activities
About my previous post Heart's a Mess, I was inspired by a friend of mine that making a story based on lyrics. Her name's Dessy, and here's her blog: Purple Daisy. I read a post of her about a story which she made from a song lyrics. And I love it. She told a story from her point of view, that made the song itself came alive. Isn't that all about a song, to tell you a story, and so did she.
Since I'm pretty much interested in such writing things, I guess I want make some from my perspective. So here there is, my first post, my first story, my first prosa tag. :D
However, I made it in Bahasa Indonesia because my lack of ability in writing some English literature, sorry for the inconvenience. Hope you can enjoy. :)
P.S.: tante desiii...aku mengadaptasi idemu yaaaa.... :*
Adios! ^^
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on lyrics, prosa
“Plakkk!!” sebuah sapaan hangat
dari tangan mungil wanita itu cukup membuat pipimu merona. Dia sempat memakimu
lalu secepat kilat meninggalkanmu terdiam di sana, sendiri. Sempat kau lihat
bayanganmu di kaca air matanya, namun tak pernah kau indahkan itu. Setidaknya
itu yang aku lihat dari matamu. Dari sekian banyak hal serupa olehmu.
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on culinary, review
It's my late post, continuing Dopamine Booster: Round 1 - Myeong Ga post before. After eating lunch at Myeong Ga, we headed to Ciwalk. Kak Avi said that she wanted to buy some toast at Roppan. Kak Avi and I had almost bought some before, but it wasn't so convenience at that time, so we ended up saving that for another time. Finally, we've got a chance to go there, even though our stomach were already full. But there's always an empty space for dessert right? ;)
Roppan stands for Roppongi Pan, which means "bread that bring happiness" (if I'm not mistakenly recall it. CMIIW). And surely it does. There are a lot of kind of toast at Roppan, I couldn't remember one by one. But one thing for sure, they're all tempting! They were all displayed near the cashier so the customer can chose anything they like through its display shelves then being served right away.
Since we split ways because some circumstances, Kak Avi and I riding a public transportation came earlier than others, so we ordered first. We ended up ordering a Honey Toast Matcha Matcha, a lychee tea, and a peach tea. Honey Toast is a signature dish from Roppan, it's a big chunk of toast bread's crust as a place to put the contents. The contents itself consist of toasted bread (the white part) with honey spread all over it, and on the top of it, there're 3 scoop of green tea ice cream with almond, sweet red bean sauce, and dark chocolate as toppings. It's served with green chocolate paste on each corner of the plates.
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Honey Toast Matcha Matcha |
Complete story »
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on articles, games
I remember I posted an article about some old games here. Some of those games need to be executed in a MS-DOS computer. And since there's nothing more like that in present, so they made a system that would just do the same.
DOSBox is an emulator to emulate/simulate an IBM PC compatible computer running the older operating system, MS-DOS. -WikipediaI won't say more detail about it, or how the system works in detail. If you want to know more about DOSBox in detail, just go to Wikipedia, it much more reliable than my blog. haha...
here's the Wikipedia's link. and here's where you can get DOSBox emulator.
It is an open source software written in C++ programming language. Apparently, its development is more focusing in running DOS games. It uses command lines to operate.
For some people who are not really in a good term with all those command lines (including me), using that command-prompt-like, is such a thing to do. I always think that people who can operates a computer or whatever inside it, by using command lines, is the coolest. It's like literally watching their super advance brain doing some works to produce those lines. Okay, even though I'm a student in informatics engineering major, but that's just not my thing. So, I'm sorry for my lack of ability. *bows*
Complete story »
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on videos
Yay! A new single! :D
They posted it yesterday, June 15th, at 0.00 a.m. I guess. I was still awake at that time and doing something with internet though, but I just realize it this afternoon. So unobservant. hahaha...
Anyway, as usual, they did a nice music with beautiful voice. I have posted before about Standing Egg before (here).
It's a cheerful love song, just like the video that using some cute animations. And, I don't know why, by listening to this song make me feel happy in an instance. I end up replaying this song on and on. :D
For the video version with hangeul, romanization, and translation lyrics, you can watch it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI5CzB23NMo
It's not officially posted by Standing Egg, some #eggfan do those editing. Love it anyway, so I know now what that song is about. Thank you! :)
Enjoy! And I will keep going too, to finish what I started.
Adios! ^^
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on culinary, review
Yay! Right when I needed! \(^0^)/
Yesterday, Kak Avi, a close friend of mine came by from Jakarta, and she said wanna hang out for some time. And there we go, to Myeong Ga, a Korean restaurant, or I should say a Korean food stall in front of Korean groceries. She said she'd been craving for its jajangmyun (자장면, black bean paste noodle) for a long time. It's not just the two of us, there were others who came along with us: Reli, Rendy, and Ican. We were planning to go there for lunch, but for some reasons we end up having a late lunch there. Poor our empty stomach..
Anyway, we decided what we wanted to eat. I ordered sundubu ramyun (순두부 라면, ramyun with tofu and egg), Ican ordered bulgogi kimbab (불고기 김밥, kimbab with bulgogi or roasted meat filling), while Kak Avi, Reli, and Rendy ordered jajangmyun. And we also ordered a portion of tteokbokki (떡볶이, rice cake with sauce) as a snack. They're all emptied in no time after it's served. haha... Guess our empty stomach didn't want to compromise more. :D
Now, here're the pictures that Reli had taken. -all credits goes to her-
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our tteokbokki snack and kimchi |
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posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on activities, scattered memories, trash
It's been a hectic weeks of my life. My final project (on my own) deadline will be coming so soon, not more than a month. And I've been doing some extra works everyday about that. I stayed up late till 1 or 2 a.m. for that, well yeah, I'm occasionally did that too although I have nothing to do but internet. :p
Apparently, my brain works its best after dinner time, so most of my works were done in the night. That's why I had to stay awake to the point where my brain couldn't think straight, and my code will be in mess if I still pushing myself to work more. That's just gonna be more work for me.
And because of all that disturbing-mind-things, I even couldn't get a comfy sleeps! *sigh* All I can remember is that I've been dreaming many things regarding my final project, from a nice dream where I finally make it through the end, to a nightmare where I -um, better not telling it here. don't wanna jinx it-
Feel like I was haunted by that thing, wait, It's really haunting me, not just my feeling. And to make it worse, my friends did the same thing, haunting me. Yeah, I really appreciate that they have much care about me, regarding my late on this final project, really glad actually to have friends that keep pushing me to reach my own goal. But, hey, it's not like I didn't make an effort about that. I'm so sorry for not replying your messages, B's. :(
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on hobbies, movie, review
Now, I'm going to make a review about my favorite Korean movie. Its title is "Hello Ghost". I actually knew this movie because the main actor is Cha Tae Hyun, whom I adore for his acting skill. :D
I have watched movies of him such as Babo (Miracles of a Giving Fool) that brings me tears and Speed Scandal that brings me laugh. And this one, brings me to tears every time I watch it. Yes, every time. Even I watch it many times. :'(
But you know what, I end up using it. Every time I feel sad or just want to cry, I watched it. It helps me cry. And then I feel much better after crying. hahaha... :D
- Movie title : Hello Ghost
- Release year : 2010
- Country : South Korea
- Language : Korean
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on culinary, review
Yesterday, when I had this-not-really-great mood and coincidentally I had some kind of debt on my friend, Bayu, I wanted to buy him a cheesecake. So I asked him, whether he's able to come and get me to buy those cheesecake together. Then an hour later, we went to this cake shop called "Cizz". It's a small shop that sells cheese based cake only, it's a cheesecake shop. It has many variations and flavors of cheesecake. And after about 30 minutes ride, we arrived there. Thankfully, it's just really us as their customer at that time, so we could enjoy our cheesecake there -you know, since it doesn't have a large space for dine-in purchase-
We chose what we want to buy in the refrigerator display shelf at the side of the cashier. I picked a caramel cheesecake, while Bayu picked a cookies and cream cheesecake. Those cake we picked being served directly from the display. Each of it priced Rp 17.000,- (about USD 2). After paying those two cakes and a bottle of water for Rp 3.000,- we sat on empty seats in front of the cashier and ate it right away. Yummm... :9
Cizz's Caramel Cheesecake |
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on quotes, scattered memories
For a preface, it's not for my wedding. But maybe someday I'll use it. :)
One of my friend asked me to make an invitation wedding wording for her. Her wedding theme is gonna be fairy tale like, so I made some poetic-fairy tale wording with this quote in the end of it:
Everyone has their own fairy tale to live on, as us now end a chapter and begin another, as happily ever after.Oh, how I wish they're gonna be happy ever after. :D
Happy wedding, girl! While you're at it, I'm gonna live my own fairy tale beautifully, just like you do. Although I don't even know in what chapter I'm in now. hahaha....
Adios! ^^
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on books, scattered memories
First of all: I finally found it!! Yay!! ^0^
Ok, it's a fantasy book by Clive Barker. And the reason why I was so excited about it is that I'd read this book, which I borrowed from my town's library, when I was in junior high school. That's about 8 years ago!
Then somehow, suddenly I just remembered that old time, but I couldn't recall the title or the story of the book, I remembered nothing but the memories how I really loved this book. I wanted to hunt this book for collection, but how can I found it when I didn't even know the title or the writer. So I spent a lot of times browsing just to find the title. I tried many keywords combination, but null. I was so desperate, I just used the Google Image to browse. Yes, Google Image. I can only remembered that its cover was in blue, but I couldn't even describe it, I just believed that I would remember which book when I found it. So random, but that's the way I found it! I typed the keywords as: "fantasy book cover blue", and there it was on the second page of Google results. How lucky I was! :D
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on opinion, quotes, scattered memories
I was reading my past blog and found this quote -if I may said- I posted. And I want to repost it here, with some changes.
Just remember what you've done to someone, maybe someday you'll just get your karma, then you'll realize that the universe has its own way of justice
Oh yeah, I'm one of the believer of the existence of karma, that what we've done might get back to us one day, that what we got is the one that we've planted. Well, maybe it's just my way of life so that I will think twice whenever I want to do something bad to someone. But I'd already been there though. And yeah, karma is a b*tch, that's what they say. True story. ;)
Adios! ^^
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on books, review
As you -perhaps- already knew, it's about a boy named Santiago that traveled along the continent -if I may said- from Andalusia (Spain) to Egypt in order to find his hidden treasure buried beneath the pyramid, his Personal Legend. It all begin after he dreamed about finding some treasure on the pyramid, twice. Then he asked a gypsy woman about it who asked him for a share after he got the treasure. He also met a man that told him to go find that treasure. That man claimed himself as the king of Salem and then gave the boy two stones, Urim and Thummim, to help the boy in his journey when needed.
The boy sold all his sheep, crossed the sea, got robbed, and even trapped in a tribes war to get there. He met an english man when he tried to cross the desert. That man was also in his way finding his own Personal Legend, to find The Alchemist and learn from him.
Santiago also met a girl that made him fell in love in the first sight in an oasis. And so did the girl. Her name's Fatima. She became the biggest thing that held him back. Or I could say, obstacle. His big love for Fatima made him doubtful, whether to continue his journey till the end, or to stay right there in the oasis and live happily with her forever. Eventhough Fatima herself said that he should go on with his journey. But no one knew what desert could do to him. He might be died because of the tribes war or maybe lost in the desert. But still there's a chance that he could came back alive.
Complete story »
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on videos
Let me introduce you to Standing Egg, an indie band from South Korea. When I talk about South Korea's music, maybe your mind will directly land on K-Pop. But this thing stay on different road as K-Pop. How different? I don't know either. haha.. Okay, let me try. While most K-Pop now dominated by boyband or girlband with an up-beat-dance music, this band brings you some beautiful-easy-listening musics. Ugh! I give up. Just listen to it, and find the difference yourself. :p
The first time I hear its music is in the song 편한사이 (read: Pyeonhansai) featuring Windy in the Indie2Go project -YouTube video goes here-. My friend told me about it. And at that very first time, I knew I like it, I like the feel, I like their music. I browse more songs, and as expected, I love their songs! And now they're back with second album. Yay!!
Oh, and don't be surprised if you see different vocalist in different song. Most of them are featuring artists, like Clover and Windy. I personally, don't even know who are the members of this band actually, physically, how their looks like. In many sources, it just stated that there are 3 members, named Egg 1 (@golden_groove), Egg 2 (@standingEGG), and Egg 3 (@itelepathy)!! Well, it doesn't matter though how their looks like, their music that matter. :)
I'm done talking here, just check out more for yourself.
Here's where you can find them:
- YouTube
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on opinion, quotes
My PE teacher once told me this:
There's a different between optimum and maximum. Optimum means you give an enough amount of efforts for a goal so it happen. Maximum means you give all your efforts for a goal so it happen that you could die.Now, the question is, will you give your maximum for a goal that's really worth it? No one's willing to die anyway, I presume. I didn't say that someone will die after giving their maximum efforts anyway, I just said that someone MIGHT die because of it.
And when I got a question like that, all I can think is: "GOD NEVER LEAVES YOU ALONE". Your effort that been given, will give you a proportional result back. So, the only thing that you can do to make something works, is that you work that out. At least, that's what I believe.
Adios! ^^
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on trash
When those comforting words, somehow, became the burden itself. Then you will feel not just comforted and motivated, but also under pressure at the same time.
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on lyrics, videos
And your feet are cold
And your body cannot stop rocking
I know
It hurts to let go
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on articles
I got this little test from my friend, that got it from her friend, that got it from her boyfriend, who got it from the company he's been trained. In short term: I got this from my friend's boyfriend, indirectly.
So, here's the question:
It starts to rain heavily outside your house when these 5 things happens together at a time: your baby cries, there's a phone ringing, your water tap opened keep the water won't stop running, there's a guest knocking and waiting outside your door, and your laundry start to get wet by rain. What would you do first, second, third, fourth, and last?
The assumption is all yours.
and NO CHEATING please. hehe.. :D
Complete story »
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on articles, games, hobbies
I've been playing some old games since few weeks ago. I didn't know when it started, I just browsed some games I played in my childhood time. Kind of hard to recall each game's name, all I did was giving some keywords in the google, hoping it would give what I really mean. And I started playing these:
1. Prehistorik 2
I think I was playing better back when I was a kid. Now, I couldn't pass 4th level yet. And because there're so many hidden foods and places, I was trying to find its level maps. And I found them at its official site here. You can also download the game itself there.
Complete story »
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on hobbies, recipe
I seldom make french toast because personally I think that it takes more time to make than just make an usual toast. *And now I think I just made up that excuse. Whatever.
And in my holiday back then, in my home, I felt like I wanted to make some. It's simple to make, but my family never made it, so I have to buy some ingredients. I made this on my own way. hehe..
- Toast bread. Originally, it's the thick one, but somehow it's hard to find in my country. So just use anything you can find.
- Plain milk. You just need a small amount of it. I prefer the milk not to have sweet taste.
- Egg. One would be enough.
- Salt
- Pepper
- Butter or oil to fry. Just a little.
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on culinary, review
This is a culinary story long time ago, when my friends in Gemati and I went for a trip to Pameungpeuk, remember? When we went back to Bandung, we decided to eat first before reaching campus. Bayu did the browsing. They said they wanted something fresh. And since it's kinda rainy that day, soto is a good choice. Then Bayu found this blog talking about Soto Ojolali in Jalan Cibadak 79. And we decided to go there. Actually, it's pretty far from the exit toll gate in Buah Batu, but we thought it's fine, since we still have a lot of time before the due hour to return the car.
As you know, soto is one of Indonesian's food. It's more less like soup with vegetables, meat or chicken, and sometimes vermicelli. There're so many kinds of soto here in Indonesia, you might find different kind of soto in different place. First, I thought that Soto Ojolali served Javanese soto because the term "ojolali" is actually Javanese mean "do not forget", (by the term Javanese here, I mean Central Java, East Java, and Yogyakarta). Javanese soto usually use turmeric as one of its ingredients. But when they served the soto, it's soto Bandung instead. Different from other Javanese soto that had yellow color of turmeric, soto Bandung have a clear soup with meat, radish, and fried soybean. It tasted a little bland for me, but you can add salt or soy sauce to match your taste. But overall the soto felt so fresh. I liked it pretty much. At first I thought, we won't be full enough with the portion served especially for the boys, but I was wrong, they all said that they're full. :)
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on activities, scattered memories, trip
"Neither the place nor the time that matter... But whom you spend it with..."My first trip to Pameungpeuk was a year ago, with my classmates, and non-classmates actually. It's 9 of us, in a medium car, not SUV nor van. So you can imagine how crowded inside the car.
Oh, by the way, Pameungpeuk is a region in southern Garut, West Java. It is known for its natural spot like beach, waterfall, and conservation. And for this second trip there, I was with my friends from Gemati (a Magelang group in my college), Amalia, Tutik, Bayu, Andre, Kiky, Nico, and Hamzah. We were planning to depart by night, so the car's rent fee was going to be optimally used by coming back on the next night. Such a reckless decision since there's none of us that really know how to drive. All guys here didn't have their driving license yet, except for Nico, that turn out to have a "shotgun-driving-license". I have advised them to go on daylight, but they insisted.
And the night came, we gathered at the car's parking lot in campus. We departed at about 9 p.m., Nico was the first driver. It turn out to be fine. Seeing that made us feel more at ease. From 8 of us, there're just 2 that have visited Pameungpeuk before, Hamzah and me. And somehow I just can't sleep that night. I closed my eyes, but didn't sleep. I knew that there have been driver change once. Andre drove from the time we started to enter Gunung Gelap. The road through the mountain was extremely curved, made me couldn't sleep even more. Plus, it was rain all the way from Garut and getting bigger once we arrived at the mountain, with the strong wind, that really made an unforgettable journey for me. The road inside was okay, until we almost reached Pameungpeuk, the road was so "no-no". Finally, we arrived at Pameungpeuk region at about 2.30 a.m. We still need to drive about 20 minutes to get to the beach.
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on quotes, scattered memories, trash
Remember my post titled Everybody can change, even the worst one? Here's one truth about it. I guess I'm now witnessing what I was predicting to be true. Finally he finds his "heart". And from what I see, he starts to change into a better he. And now I'm like screaming, "See that?! told ya!" ;D
Maybe people think I'm being naive for the thought I had before, that even a villain has its own reason to be it. Okay I'm not an angel that always have angelic mind, thoughts, even face. In fact, that kind of person freaks me out. I still hate, not free from sin, and I even curse although only in my heart, but what's wrong with having a good thought? It harms no one, nothing. So I guess, I have to have it more from now on, those positive thoughts. But I won't let my devilish side just die like that, for sure. So my life won't be just a monotone.
My point is : Life is already hard enough without all those mind tricks stuffs, so why'd you have to make it way harder by having such negative thought? Enjoy life, because life is just to sweet to be bitter. :)
Adios! ^^
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on articles
So this is a kind of test I got from Science Center in Trans Studio Bandung for my past Christmas holiday. In fact, science center isn't boring at all! I tried many things there, include this simple test to determined what part of brain that dominates you, and it will tell you what kind of personalities you might have. Curious? Check this one out. But NO CHEATING! Do as the order, ok?
First Test
Try to hold your hands (palms) together like when you pray, tightly interlace your fingers. Now, see your thumbs. If your right hand's thumb is covering your left hand's thumb, it means the left part of brain dominate more. And if your left hand's thumb is covering your right hand's thumb, it means the right part of brain dominate more.
See picture below for a clearer way how to hold your hand together.
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First Test : Hold your both hands |
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posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on activities, pictures, scattered memories, trip
Ok, it's kinda last year to share about my Christmas holiday vacation, but yeah, I'm posting it anyway. Instead, maybe it'll give you some information though, because I'm going to post my holiday at Trans Studio Bandung. Yay! ^^
For you who didn't know Trans Studio, I assume that you're not Indonesian. Give you a little explanation here, it's the first indoor theme park in Indonesia possessed by Trans corp. There're two of them, one in Makasar, South Sulawesi and one in Bandung, West Java, the newest one. It was confirmed as the biggest indoor theme park in the world. What so special about this theme park? I'll give you three reasons from my point of view.
- First, it's indoor.
- Second, they have the fastest roller coaster in the world that travel in 120 km/hr speed!
- And third, it's pretty expensive for the entrance ticket, at least for student like me.
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posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on poems
There's only silence
that been told by the falling leaves to the tree
There's only silence
that been told by the stars to the night
There's only silence
that been told by us to us
I love silence
won't be more peaceful than that
I love silence
won't be more inspiring than that
I love silence
won't be more awakening than that
Maybe I will just let it be
lay it there
Till the sun finally comes up
change the night to dawn
awake the birds then chirping
and awake us then feeling
-Bandung, in starey silence night
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on lyrics, videos
and turn them into something good
Take all my preconceptions
and let the truth be understood
Take all my prized possessions
and leave only what I need
Take all my pieces of doubt
and let me be what's underneath
Courage is
when you're afraid
Courage is
when you're in pain
but you keep on living anyway
We all have excuses why
living in fear something in us dies
Like a bird with broken wings,
its not how high he flies
but the song he sings
It's not how many times
you've been knocked down
It's how many times
you get back up
Courage is
when you've lost your way
but you found your strength anyway
Courage is
when you're afraid
when it all seems grey
Courage is
when you make a change
and you keep on living anyway
You keep on moving anyway
You keep on giving anyway
You keep on loving anyway
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on activities, pictures, scattered memories, trip
Last Christmas, I decided to go home, since my best friends would be there too, Anda and Mojo. hehe.. :)
We had planned to go to Yogyakarta in saturday, Chirstmas eve. And I was planning on making some lunch box for our little trip far before I got home. Then there I was, waking early in the morning, making Kimbab. (I've posted the recipe before, here).
my lunch box's looked like. picture by Mojo |
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