Need dopamine booster!


posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on , ,

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It's been a hectic weeks of my life. My final project (on my own) deadline will be coming so soon, not more than a month. And I've been doing some extra works everyday about that. I stayed up late till 1 or 2 a.m. for that, well yeah, I'm occasionally did that too although I have nothing to do but internet. :p
Apparently, my brain works its best after dinner time, so most of my works were done in the night. That's why I had to stay awake to the point where my brain couldn't think straight, and my code will be in mess if I still pushing myself to work more. That's just gonna be more work for me.

And because of all that disturbing-mind-things, I even couldn't get a comfy sleeps! *sigh* All I can remember is that I've been dreaming many things regarding my final project, from a nice dream where I finally make it through the end, to a nightmare where I -um, better not telling it here. don't wanna jinx it-
Feel like I was haunted by that thing, wait, It's really haunting me, not just my feeling. And to make it worse, my friends did the same thing, haunting me. Yeah, I really appreciate that they have much care about me, regarding my late on this final project, really glad actually to have friends that keep pushing me to reach my own goal. But, hey, it's not like I didn't make an effort about that.  I'm so sorry for not replying your messages, B's. :(

Okay, and I got this fact thing, "People that spend less than 5 hours a day to sleep, for a week, is tend to be stressful, angry, sad, and mentally exhausted." and I'm starting to feel so. *sigh* See! I'm sighing too much!! hahahaha...
I think I need some mood booster, a little refreshment for my brain, I need dopamine booster. Somewhere to go, some good food to eat, some movies to watch. with my friends. I need companies to do all of it, nonetheless it won't work that much. Or maybe I just need friends to be here? I don't know. That's true anyway, most of my best friends are having their own life far from me, while I'm not so good at making abundance of "best friends". In the end, it all comes to -at least- a company to be with. Dopamine really lies on those people who we love, family, friends, lover, you name it.
I'm lonely? Oh, it could be so, or it is so. #np 2NE1-Lonely hahahaha....
No matter what, I have to finish this one for all at the end of the month! I can do this!!
You know what, I'm definitely going to treasure it as my precious memory of doing some crazy works for a final project. :D

And my quote this month will be:

People become tough when they're left alone to struggle.

Adios! ^^ -and wish me a bunch of luck, and strength also ;)

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