
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on

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Let me introduce you to Standing Egg, an indie band from South Korea. When I talk about South Korea's music, maybe your mind will directly land on K-Pop. But this thing stay on different road as K-Pop. How different? I don't know either. haha.. Okay, let me try. While most K-Pop now dominated by boyband or girlband with an up-beat-dance music, this band brings you some beautiful-easy-listening musics. Ugh! I give up. Just listen to it, and find the difference yourself. :p

The first time I hear its music is in the song 편한사이 (read: Pyeonhansai) featuring Windy in the Indie2Go project -YouTube video goes here-. My friend told me about it. And at that very first time, I knew I like it, I like the feel, I like their music. I browse more songs, and as expected, I love their songs! And now they're back with second album. Yay!!
Oh, and don't be surprised if you see different vocalist in different song. Most of them are featuring artists, like Clover and Windy. I personally, don't even know who are the members of this band actually, physically, how their looks like. In many sources, it just stated that there are 3 members, named Egg 1 (@golden_groove), Egg 2 (@standingEGG), and Egg 3 (@itelepathy)!! Well, it doesn't matter though how their looks like, their music that matter. :)
I'm done talking here, just check out more for yourself.

Here's where you can find them:
- Facebook
- Twitter
- and their web 

the song I hear the first time
the road I walk the first time
they are unfamiliar to me like me without you
.:Standing Egg-Aloha:.

Adios! ^^

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