When you got a ticket

posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on


I got this article from my friend's post that also got it from another source, so I couldn't paste the source here. It's about fine-ticket as in a speeding ticket. It's such a common thing my beloved country, that this thing, become one of mining land for some responsible-but-irresponsible people. I'm not saying who or what party, unfortunately it's not just done by one party. Poor my country for being in such condition.
Enough mourning. Nothing change with that mourn attitude.

Now, here, the ticketing procedure is like this: you break driving rule, responsible people stops you, give you an explanation what did you do wrong, show you the written laws that you break and the fine that you may have to pay, then start writing a ticket for you and confiscate your driving license for a moment. That given ticket is used as a proof that you have broken the law. You will have to attend a trial that be held about 2 weeks later to pay your fine and get your driving license back.

And that's what you have to do if you got a RED ticket by the time you get caught. The red ticket shows that you deny breaking laws and want to defend yourself. And this red ticket system, that I also know just now, has some leaks for some parties to take advantages by charging you more than you should have.

Apparently, there is another system. BLUE ticket system, which you don't have to wait for 2 weeks for the trial. This system runs like this: your driving license is confiscated, you get your blue ticket, you make a money transfer to an account of a bank (if not mistaken is a public bank), then you take that transfer slip to the nearest police office around the place you get caught, and exchange that slip with your driving license. By this system, you have store your money directly into the government account. By having this blue ticket, you will only have to pay for about Rp 36.000 or about USD 4.

I've been caught twice by red ticket because I don't know yet about this red-blue ticket matter. For the first case, I just had to pay Rp 36.000, but I had to pay Rp 41.000 for the second case. I just thought that it got a different fine for a different violation. So, if you get caught because of breaking some driving law in my country, I suggest you to ask a blue ticket than a red one. Maybe you will get some difficulties and arguments, but that's worth the fight. 

And here's the original Facebook status of my friend (in Bahasa Indonesia) which she got from I don't know where:

Semoga info ini berguna...
Surat Tilang ada 2 macam: slip merah & slip biru.~ SLIP MERAH artinya kita menyangkal telah melanggar peraturan & mau membela diri secara hukum (ikut sidang) di pengadilan. Biasanya menunggu 2 minggu & di pengadilan byk calo, terjadi antrian panjang & oknum pengadilan yg melakukan pungutan liar berupa pembengkakan nilai tilang
~ SLIP BIRU artinya kita mengakui kesalahan kita & bersedia membayar denda. Kita tinggal transfer dana via ATM ke nomor rekening tertentu (kalo tdk salah bank BUMN). Setelah itu kita tukarkan bukti transfer dgn SIM / STNK kita di kapolsek terdekat dimana kita ditilang. Denda resmi KUHP mobil tidak lebih dr 50rb & dananya resmi masuk kas negara.
Jadi, jika kena tilang, minta lah SLIP BIRU (beberapa oknum perlu berdebat dahulu dgn kita. Kita hrs ngotot minta SLIP BIRU krn petugas berusaha membohongi kita dgn mengatakan SLIP BIRU tdk berlaku). Dgn Slip Biru anda tdk perlu menunggu 2 minggu. Langkah ini membantu negara mengikis korupsi & kita tdk perlu memberi Uang Damai ke oknum petugas. Forwardlah ke teman2 anda.
(Info dr Komisi III)
*perlu ditambahkan dgn slip biru kita hanya membayar. RP 36.000 (utk denda bahwa kita mengakui kesalahan kita)
Now if you think you need to spread this out, please do. Goodness worth spreading. <-- nyolong tag line TED. hehe... :D

Adios! ^^

I think this original source is from the government looking at the information in my friend's original post. It's said "Info dari Komisi III". Komisi III DPR is a division in the government that dealing with laws, human rights, and safety.


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