I found this poem made by my really talented friend Picha. Her blog is made specially for her poems. And when I did the blog-walking, I found one that really capture my attention. So, I asked for her permission to reblog that poem, and here it is, the poem is in my blog now. *thank you Picha. ^^
Kamu memiliki beberapa cinta
satu di hatimu
sedang yang lain tersebar di sepanjang bibirmu
Dan cintaku,
adalah salah satu diantaranya
Pernah kudengar cintaku berkata :
"Sungguh tak apa,
terimakasih telah membiarkanku
menjadi salah satu diantaranya."
aku cuma bisa menggeleng-gelengkan kepala
Kataku : "Ah, betapa bodohnya ia."
credits by : Priska Driastuti
I was interested in this poem because something nothing in particular. I just like it. kekeke... :D
I love the way Picha always say it clearly, without so many confusing-hard-to-understand words. She pick the right words to say what's in her mind, to the point, yet poetic. What a talent Picha! Can't wait to read another piece of of yours. :)
Adios! ^^
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on poems
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Bandung, Indonesia