Archive for November 2011

When you got a ticket

posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on


I got this article from my friend's post that also got it from another source, so I couldn't paste the source here. It's about fine-ticket as in a speeding ticket. It's such a common thing my beloved country, that this thing, become one of mining land for some responsible-but-irresponsible people. I'm not saying who or what party, unfortunately it's not just done by one party. Poor my country for being in such condition.
Enough mourning. Nothing change with that mourn attitude.

Now, here, the ticketing procedure is like this: you break driving rule, responsible people stops you, give you an explanation what did you do wrong, show you the written laws that you break and the fine that you may have to pay, then start writing a ticket for you and confiscate your driving license for a moment. That given ticket is used as a proof that you have broken the law. You will have to attend a trial that be held about 2 weeks later to pay your fine and get your driving license back.

Complete story »

Sebuah Opini PRIBADI

posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on

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Kali ini, saya nggak akan posting dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Selain ingin tetap menjaga Bahasa Indonesia -gokil- saya juga agak kesusahan untuk mengekspresikan apa yang ingin saya tulis kemudian dalam bahasa Inggris. hahahaha.... ujung-ujungnya alasan bodoh. :p
Tadinya, mau saya post di note Facebook, tapi saya pikir-pikir lagi, publish di blog aja deh biar lebih menyampaikan maksud dan tujuan saya untuk menungkapkan sebuah opini publik. *halah!
Dan beginilah note tadi yang saya buat:

Note ini saya bikin setelah melihat tweets dari sebuah akun yang "frontal" sekali milik salah SEORANG "tetangga" (sekali lagi: "SALAH SEORANG"). dan sekali lagi, saya tekankan, bahwa ini adalah opini saya pribadi. kalau ada yang nggak suka, itu hak anda. monggo. tapi jangan trus berdebat disini ya. saya tidak butuh perdebatan macem itu. Terimakasih. :)

Complete story »