Archive for January 2012

Pameungpeuk never dies

posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on , ,


Okay, it's not my first trip to Pameungpeuk, but the memories left are still unforgettable. Just like Bayu said,
"Neither the place nor the time that matter... But whom you spend it with..."
My first trip to Pameungpeuk was a year ago, with my classmates, and non-classmates actually. It's 9 of us, in a medium car, not SUV nor van. So you can imagine how crowded inside the car.

Oh, by the way, Pameungpeuk is a region in southern Garut, West Java. It is known for its natural spot like beach, waterfall, and conservation. And for this second trip there, I was with my friends from Gemati (a Magelang group in my college), Amalia, Tutik, Bayu, Andre, Kiky, Nico, and Hamzah. We were planning to depart by night, so the car's rent fee was going to be optimally used by coming back on the next night. Such a reckless decision since there's none of us that really know how to drive. All guys here didn't have their driving license yet, except for Nico, that turn out to have a "shotgun-driving-license". I have advised them to go on daylight, but they insisted.

And the night came, we gathered at the car's parking lot in campus. We departed at about 9 p.m., Nico was the first driver. It turn out to be fine. Seeing that made us feel more at ease. From 8 of us, there're just 2 that have visited Pameungpeuk before, Hamzah and me. And somehow I just can't sleep that night. I closed my eyes, but didn't sleep. I knew that there have been driver change once. Andre drove from the time we started to enter Gunung Gelap. The road through the mountain was extremely curved, made me couldn't sleep even more. Plus, it was rain all the way from Garut and getting bigger once we arrived at the mountain, with the strong wind, that really made an unforgettable journey for me. The road inside was okay, until we almost reached Pameungpeuk, the road was so "no-no". Finally, we arrived at Pameungpeuk region at about 2.30 a.m. We still need to drive about 20 minutes to get to the beach.

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Trash post in the dawn

posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on , ,


Remember my post titled Everybody can change, even the worst one? Here's one truth about it. I guess I'm now witnessing what I was predicting to be true. Finally he finds his "heart". And from what I see, he starts to change into a better he. And now I'm like screaming, "See that?! told ya!" ;D
Maybe people think I'm being naive for the thought I had before, that even a villain has its own reason to be it. Okay I'm not an angel that always have angelic mind, thoughts, even face. In fact, that kind of person freaks me out. I still hate, not free from sin, and I even curse although only in my heart, but what's wrong with having a good thought? It harms no one, nothing. So I guess, I have to have it more from now on, those positive thoughts. But I won't let my devilish side just die like that, for sure. So my life won't be just a monotone.
My point is : Life is already hard enough without all those mind tricks stuffs, so why'd you have to make it way harder by having such negative thought? Enjoy life, because life is just to sweet to be bitter. :)

Adios! ^^

Fun Test: What part of your brain?

posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on

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So this is a kind of test I got from Science Center in Trans Studio Bandung for my past Christmas holiday. In fact, science center isn't boring at all! I tried many things there, include this simple test to determined what part of brain that dominates you, and it will tell you what kind of personalities you might have. Curious? Check this one out. But NO CHEATING! Do as the order, ok?

First Test
Try to hold your hands (palms) together like when you pray, tightly interlace your fingers. Now, see your thumbs. If your right hand's thumb is covering your left hand's thumb, it means the left part of brain dominate more. And if your left hand's thumb is covering your right hand's thumb, it means the right part of brain dominate more.
See picture below for a clearer way how to hold your hand together.

First Test : Hold your both hands

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Christmas Holiday - Part 2

posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on , , ,

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Ok, it's kinda last year to share about my Christmas holiday vacation, but yeah, I'm posting it anyway. Instead, maybe it'll give you some information though, because I'm going to post my holiday at Trans Studio Bandung. Yay! ^^

For you who didn't know Trans Studio, I assume that you're not Indonesian. Give you a little explanation here, it's the first indoor theme park in Indonesia possessed by Trans corp. There're two of them, one in Makasar, South Sulawesi and one in Bandung, West Java, the newest one. It was confirmed as the biggest indoor theme park in the world. What so special about this theme park? I'll give you three reasons from my point of view.

  • First, it's indoor. 
  • Second, they have the fastest roller coaster in the world that travel in 120 km/hr speed! 
  • And third, it's pretty expensive for the entrance ticket, at least for student like me. 

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Silence is us

posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on

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There's only silence
that been told by the falling leaves to the tree
There's only silence
that been told by the stars to the night
There's only silence
that been told by us to us

I love silence
won't be more peaceful than that
I love silence
won't be more inspiring than that
I love silence
won't be more awakening than that

Maybe I will just let it be
lay it there
Till the sun finally comes up
change the night to dawn
awake the birds then chirping
and awake us then feeling

-Bandung, in starey silence night

Courage Is

posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on ,

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Courage Is
by The Strange Familiar

Take all my vicious words 
and turn them into something good
Take all my preconceptions 
and let the truth be understood
Take all my prized possessions 
and leave only what I need
Take all my pieces of doubt 
and let me be what's underneath

Courage is 
when you're afraid
but you keep on moving anyway
Courage is 
when you're in pain 
but you keep on living anyway

We all have excuses why 
living in fear something in us dies
Like a bird with broken wings, 
its not how high he flies 
but the song he sings

It's not how many times 
you've been knocked down
It's how many times 
you get back up

Courage is 
when you've lost your way 
but you found your strength anyway
Courage is 
when you're afraid
Courage is 
when it all seems grey
Courage is 
when you make a change 
and you keep on living anyway

You keep on moving anyway
You keep on giving anyway
You keep on loving anyway

credits :

This song I found randomly, I even forgot how I found it. But it still stuck in my mind for a long time. The lyrics is great, one of motivational lyrics I love. We all need it, the courage to live, to keep on moving, even just to be happy. :)

Adios! ^^

Christmas Holiday - Part 1

posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on , , ,

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Last Christmas, I decided to go home, since my best friends would be there too, Anda and Mojo. hehe.. :)
We had planned to go to Yogyakarta in saturday, Chirstmas eve. And I was planning on making some lunch box for our little trip far before I got home. Then there I was, waking early in the morning, making Kimbab. (I've posted the recipe before, here).

my lunch box's looked like. picture by Mojo
So we departed from Anda's home at about 10.30, and we're going to go to Anda's new home first in Sleman before we had our happy-happy time. Anda had an appointment with some people to get her curtains for the new home ready. And after some times choosing what kind of curtains she wanted to have, finally we're going to go through our plan: SHOPPING AT BERINGHARJO MARKET!! \(^0^)/

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