Last week, I made Kimbab for my lunch box's trip to Yogyakarta with my friends. it's my second time making this. I was in my holiday (actually everyday seemed like holiday for me though), and my friends that had been lived in other cities were coming home, so we made a plan for a little trip. And there I was, making a Kimbab in my kitchen. :)
Kimbab is a Korean food that use kim (ê¹€, seaweed) and bab (ë°¥, rice) for its ingredients. It's like sushi-roll in Japan. It's a very simple food to make. Here's the recipe -modified by me-
- Kimbal (a tools for rolling the rice, made from bamboo)
If you don't have kimbal, no need to buy it, just use a transparent plastic. It works the same. I used it. :p
- Cooking brush
Archive for 2011
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on articles, hobbies, recipe
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on lyrics, scattered memories, videos
You will never measure up, to those people you
Must be strong, can't show them that you're weak
Have you ever told someone
Let them know that you're okay
Just to make them stop
All the wondering, and questions they may have
I'm okay, I really am now
Just needed some time, to figure things out
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
Still we don't know what's yet to come
Have you ever seen your face,
In a mirror there's a smile
But inside you're just a mess,
You feel far from good
Need to hide,
Have you ever had this wish,
To let go of your disguise, all your worries too
And from that moment, then you see things clear
Are you waiting for that day when your pain will disappear?
When you know that it's not true what they say about you?
Couldn't care less 'bout the things surrounding you
Ignoring all the voices from my wall
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on scattered memories, trash
God... I know you've always been good to me. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful life with wonderful people inside it. I'm happy for my life of course, nothing happier than this life you gave, although sometimes you teach me in the hard way. I just don't know how to say it to you, but that one person you sent to be existed in my life, why I still hold my curse to it? Is there any reason? I knew, there always be. Yeah, I'm fully aware of that. That I'm going to find the answer later.
God... I know that goodness is the things you love. I'm trying to be one, I'm trying to be good, ignoring what I'm struggling with inside. I'm gonna wear that mask. Just please help me to put it much much longer till I can free from everything bad inside. Please keep me smile, so that everyone that see me, will smile eventually. Will you?
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on activities, articles, quotes
It's a psychological test I've got from "Seminar Vacancy : Get Excited, Guide Your Carrer" by CDC IT Telkom last monday, December 12th, 2011. There were three speakers: Mr. Oscar Marino from ePROTEA FINEXUS Malaysia; Mr. Wirawan Winarto from Microsoft Indonesia which also one of IT Telkom's alumnus; and Ms. Sukmayanti Ranadireksa, M. Psi, a psychologist.
Mr. Oscar presented on how our job won't be depend only in our past education. He himself, was a civil engineer student in college, but now he's responsible in IT department in Finexus. How that can be happen? or how that can be related, civil engineer and IT? None. He's in civil engineer major indeed, but he found his passion in IT. And now, he works in the name of IT, not civil engineer.
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on opinion, scattered memories
I have a post on my previous blog -or should I call it my "galau" blog? hehe- with the same title. But the difference is, that post was dedicated to Chuck Bass, a cast on Gossip Girl series. And this one, is dedicated to Barney Stinson, a cast on How I Met Your Mother series. In case you don't know about those characters or series, well, they're all jerks, playboy that didn't believe in the existence of love and relationship. Maybe some pictures will help you picture them clearly.
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Ed Westwick a.k.a Chuck Bass |
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Neil Patrick Harris a.k.a Barney Stinson |
Out of topic question: "Who's hotter?" hahaha...of course ignore the fact that Neil is a gay. Well for me, of course Ed is hotter!! He's young and has this evil-cold face, another "Ian Somerhalder". gyaaaaa.... >.<
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posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on articles
I got this article from my friend's post that also got it from another source, so I couldn't paste the source here. It's about fine-ticket as in a speeding ticket. It's such a common thing my beloved country, that this thing, become one of mining land for some responsible-but-irresponsible people. I'm not saying who or what party, unfortunately it's not just done by one party. Poor my country for being in such condition.
Enough mourning. Nothing change with that mourn attitude.
Now, here, the ticketing procedure is like this: you break driving rule, responsible people stops you, give you an explanation what did you do wrong, show you the written laws that you break and the fine that you may have to pay, then start writing a ticket for you and confiscate your driving license for a moment. That given ticket is used as a proof that you have broken the law. You will have to attend a trial that be held about 2 weeks later to pay your fine and get your driving license back.
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on opinion
Kali ini, saya nggak akan posting dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Selain ingin tetap menjaga Bahasa Indonesia -gokil- saya juga agak kesusahan untuk mengekspresikan apa yang ingin saya tulis kemudian dalam bahasa Inggris. hahahaha.... ujung-ujungnya alasan bodoh. :p
Tadinya, mau saya post di note Facebook, tapi saya pikir-pikir lagi, publish di blog aja deh biar lebih menyampaikan maksud dan tujuan saya untuk menungkapkan sebuah opini publik. *halah!
Dan beginilah note tadi yang saya buat:
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on trash
Ok, I wasn't being "active" these past days, or should I say : this whole month. I didn't do something "great" or at least just "useful" in those days. I didn't even post anything in my blog for this month. I can't believe I was that failure and pathetic. Oh, wait, I believe it, it is pathetic that I said that I was pathetic. And now you know, that this is another trash post I made. Go on, keep on reading. You won't get something if you stop here. :)
Well, since I have realized it just now, all I can do left is to make it all way better than before. If I WAS a failure, then I WON'T be another failure. My messed life before, nothing I can do about it, but I still can do something to cover that thing. I will make my already-fail-thing things become really great that someday I won't regret. Yes, I'm gonna make use of it in every way.
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on poems
seratus domba sudah kuhitung
cuma gemericik air bocor dari keran
Terlelap seolah mustahil,
terpejam namun otak menerawang.
mimpi-mimpi yang harusnya datang kemudian
terlanjur membuncah,
Oh tidak! mimpiku terlalu liar untuk dijinakkan!
aku tak dapat menangkapnya,
satu per satu..
untuk kusimpan dulu,
untuk kutabur nanti dalam tidurku.
Kunyalakan lampu,
dan mimpi-mimpi itu mati.
Lalu kuputuskan, "Sudahlah, biarkan saja berantakan.
nanti waktu lampu kembali mati,
toh mereka akan hidup lagi,
seperti zombie."
Kembali gelap.
namun kali ini mimpi-mimpi itu telah pergi dari otakku.
Otakku kosong,
ya sudah, untuk sementara kau kubiarkan bebas.
Tapi lihat saja,
suatu saat kau akan kutangkap.
Tunggu saja.
sambil aku berhitung
- Bandung, saat malam menua
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on poems
I found this poem made by my really talented friend Picha. Her blog is made specially for her poems. And when I did the blog-walking, I found one that really capture my attention. So, I asked for her permission to reblog that poem, and here it is, the poem is in my blog now. *thank you Picha. ^^
Kamu memiliki beberapa cinta
satu di hatimu
sedang yang lain tersebar di sepanjang bibirmu
Dan cintaku,
adalah salah satu diantaranya
Pernah kudengar cintaku berkata :
"Sungguh tak apa,
terimakasih telah membiarkanku
menjadi salah satu diantaranya."
aku cuma bisa menggeleng-gelengkan kepala
Kataku : "Ah, betapa bodohnya ia."
credits by : Priska Driastuti
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on articles
As you know -if you knew- I am a fan of stars, those little-shining-things on the night sky. And because of my past blog post about Galaksi Kinanthi's book review, I want to know more about star constellations.
Historically, the term constellation was used to refer to a perceived pattern formed by prominent stars within apparent proximity to one another. Almost all of modern constellations were share name with the Graeco-Roman predecessor, such as Leo, Scorpius, and Orion. Feels familiar with some of the names? Yes, some of them are the zodiac names.
image by Wikipedia |
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posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on poems
aroma tanah yang basah,
semerbak wangi mengisi sudut rongga kosong
kamu datang.
kosong takkan sempurna
selamat datang.
Bandung - saat hujan sore hari
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on books, quotes, review
So, this book is actually talk about Kugy : a dreamer, active, ingorant girl, and Keenan : a painter and sculptor, handsome, perfect guy. Thanks to Eko, Kugy's best friend's boyfriend, which is also Keenan's cousin, they met and knew each other, then became great friends since then.
Kugy's already had a boyfriend since high school, Ojos, before she met Keenan. They're good until Kugy started being busied with her social agenda in Sakola Alit and Ojos started questioning Kugy's feeling for him. Then Wanda, Noni's cousin, came into the circle.
Complete story »
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on books, quotes, review
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on activities, hobbies, pictures, videos
this CF (Korean term for commercial) is soooooo sweeet... I also want to do that someday. >.<
-well, I mean, I want to make an incredible room or something like that with my polaroid's photos. It doesn't have to be done for someone right? I'll do it for my self. :)
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posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on lyrics, quotes, videos
"..bahwa ini jalannya, cinta yang tak lagi sama..." - Peluk by Dee feat Aqi
posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on scattered memories
Some people have been wondering, "Who's Pompo? What is this creature? And what makes it very special so I like to use it as my alias, even for my blog?" Well, I'm going to have some explanation about this.
Pompo is an amazing cute doll I have. Imagine an almost-round-blue ball with two broad ears, a trunk, and four small-and-short legs. It's a BALL like! Which make it way mooore cuter. It has these baby-like eyes -you know what I mean : round, big, and have that innocent look- ADORABLE. And also, it had a very thick string with a star-shaped something in the end of it as its tail. But now it doesn't have its tail anymore, because of me... :( -more on that later- Too bad I don't have Pompo's picture in my laptop so I can't show you how its looks like. But I found this cute-blue-elephant doll in the internet pretty similar with Pompo. I've edited it here and there so it became more "Pompo". And this is what I'm talking about :
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fake-edited-pompo version |
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posted by Ratri Anggardani Prayitno on activities, hobbies
Yeah, this is my first post and I don't know what to write about. So, I'll just talk about my current activities and my life recently.
Well, since I'm a (past) fourth year college student, It's an absolute thing that my main activity is my final project and everything about it : find the lecturers to get their signature, consult my progress to them, and many more involving final project. I've been taking it since almost six (absolutely more) month ago, and I feel that I haven't move even an inch! While my friends, most of them, have achieved their master degree. Just like one of my very best friends, Tuti, finally achieved it this afternoon, after a very long and much hardship. Congratulation sist! Always know that you can make it. :)
And somehow, after hearing that she got an A on her final project, I felt like I was gonna cry. It's a mixed feelings, between happy, proud, thankful, but also desperation. I was thinking, "She can do it! She did everything she could, she put a very great effort, and now she get what she deserve. And look at me. What have I done? Maybe it can be counted as nothing. I'm still here in the same spot where she started to give her all." It's like a hard slap on my face. Well, at least I realize it more, what we get will be as much as what we give. Good luck for me, my final project, and for everything!!!
That's just one of my current activities. My other activity is learning how to play guitar. Oh yeah! Finally, I get a chance to learn guitar intensively. I started learning guitar since 3 weeks ago, and I'm playing simple songs like Mimpi Yang Sempurna by Peterpan, Zombie by The Cranberries, Nobody's Home by Avril Lavigne pretty well. *happyface* Well, I don't know if it's a lame or a great progress considering my three weeks learning. I don't care though. It really nice being able to play some musical instrument, I can express more. Actually, the most dreamed instrument I wanna able to play is drum. But, unfortunately, it'll spend a lot of money, just to learn to play it, and eventually play (and have) it whenever I want. Maybe someday I will able to learn it. Who knows? :D